Rank Matching

Diarkis Cloud has built in matching definitions for the client to use via HTTP REST APIs.

Rank matching has three matching definitions. Diarkis’ match-making searches by range, and these three definitions each have different conditions ranging from 1, 10, and 100.

Rank Matching - rank1

rank1 searches in the range of 1. It means if you are searching by “4”, rank1 finds items ONLY with “4”.

Rank Matching - rank10

rank10 searches in the range of 10. It means if you are searching by “4”, rank10 finds items between “1” and “10”.

If you search by “203”, rank10 will find items that are between “201” and “210”.

Rank Matching - rank100

rank100 searches in the range of 100. It means if you are searching by “140”, rank100 finds items between “101” and “200”. If you search by “223”, rank100 will find items that are between “201” and “300”.

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