How To Measure UDP and RUDP Speed

You may send an echo packet to Diarkis server Cluster and receive an echo back to measure the speed of UDP and RUDP messaging.

Using Echo To Measure RUDP Speed

An echo is sent and received as a RUDP message.

NOTE: To receive the response of echo, register a listener to OnEcho.

udpClient.OnEcho += (double echoTime, string myAddress) =>
  // echoTime is the round trip time in milliseconds


Using Ping To Measure UDP Speed

A ping is sent and received as a UDP message.

NOTE: To receive the response of ping, register a listener to OnPing

NOTE: Because a ping is sent and received as a UDP message, there maybe a chance the ping does not reach the destination due to potential packet loss.

udpClient.OnPing += (double pingTime, string myAddress) =>
// pingTime is the round trip time in milliseconds


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