Matchmaking - Search Other Players To Match

We will be explain how to search for matched players using Diarkis MatchMaker


We assume that matchmaking profiles have already been defined on the server.

The matchmaking profile is the same as Diarkis server template's sample matchmaking profile.

For more details on Diarkis server template, please read here.

Matchmaking Profile

  • Matchmaking ID RankMatch

    • Rank - Range of 5

How It Works

All players searchable in the matchmaking have their own room, and when you search and match, you will be joining a room of the player that you match.

When you match, the other players that are already in the room will receive a notification via Diarkis Room's event (OnMemberJoin event).

To learn more about detecting a new member joined, please read here.

How To Search And Match

The following link explains how to search and match using Diarkis MatchMaker in details.

Please read here.

Last updated