CHANGELOG of Diarkis C++ client

from v0.2.0 to v0.3.2


  • (FIX) P2P fixed the issue with hole punching when there are multiple local addresses available

  • (UPDATE) P2P added support for WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 to retrieve local addresses

  • (UPDATE) Socket error reason API added for the application to retrieve the error reason


  • (UPDATE) support cli build for Include in Diarkis namespace

  • (FIX) P2P connection timeout corrected

  • (UPDATE) xbox cmake build added

  • (UPDATE) P2P disconnect is now executed immediately

  • (FIX) RoomCreate command string name was missing

  • (FIX) Fixed a bug that prevented P2P from connecting with more than 3 clients


  • (UPDATE) Room property sync flag added to UpdateProperties and SyncProperties added

  • (UPDATE) UDP/TCP Connection timeout added

  • (UPDATE) DirectMessage added

  • (UPDATE) Added missing Room functionalities added

  • (UPDATE) Custom implementation of getifaddrs / freeifaddrs added for Android

  • (UPDATE) PS4, 5 added P2P with local address list

  • (FIX) Bug fix P2P remote clients closing connection caused other clients to close their connections as well


  • (Update) Added more build partterns

  • (Update) windows compile option set /MT /MTd /MD /MDd _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0

  • (Update) ios simulator build

  • (Update) support for android armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 build added

  • (Update) support for ios x86_64 build

  • (Update) CPP UDP echo sends local address list byte array

  • (Update) Supports Room and MatchMaker class P2P connection start notification and address exchange

  • (Update) macos arm64 build

  • (Update) build. warnings C4251, so shared_ptr is not used

  • (Fix) When recvfrom() returns with -1, WSAGetLastError may be initialized by a socket function in another thread and WSAGetLastE rror may become 0

  • (Fix) add copy operator for xcode build error

  • (Update) update matchmaker p2p addr func.


  • (Update) XBox support added

  • (Update) PS5 support added

  • (Fix) MatchMaker Kick fixed

  • (Fix) Mac OS build fixed

  • (Update) added bitcode cmake files for iOS


  • (Update) Room reservation methods added to Room class

  • (Update) MatchMaker added IssueTicket method

  • (Update) MatchMaker class added host change event

  • (Update) Group class added on leave event

  • (Update) Room class JoinRandom added allowEmpty parameter

  • (Breaking) P2P message header changed to improve hole punching mechanism


  • (Update) Added JoinInternal func

  • (Update) Group added OnLeave event

  • (Update) C++ Room class JoinRandom added allowEmpty parameter

  • (Breaking) C++ P2P hole punch messages now have different header

Last updated