Diarkis Unity SDK Sample Application
This is a sample application based on Unity Engine provided by the network middleware, Diarkis. It includes various features such as MatchMake, DirectMessage, and player-to-player data synchronization using different protocols (UDP, TCP, P2P). For more details about Diarkis products, please refer to the Diarkis Website.
Folder Description
Install the DiarkisC#
Diarkis Module (C# classes and helpers for using the Diarkis Core Library)Data
Data structure related classesEvents
Event related classesLogging
Classes related to the logging systemModules
Module-base classes (code interacting with Diarkis Core Library)System
System related classes (like memory management)Utils
Various helpers for using Diarkis types
files to call Diarkis Native Code (modifying these files is not recommended)CustomCommands
Developers can define custom commands using the files herejson_definitions
JSON files defining structures for custom commandscustom
JSON files defining structures for custom commands
Diarkis Native Code made inC++
(Diarkis Core API)
This documentPlugin
Diarkis plugin scriptsCallbacks
Scripts to register callbacks to Diarkis eventsCommon
Scripts common to each scene (including the singleton class DiarkisNetworkManager interfacing with Diarkis SDK)MainGame
Scripts for the MainGame scene (synchronization of players in a 3D environment)
Diarkis sample scriptsMisc
Miscellaneous files (lighting, input system, etc.)Models
3D model filesAnimations
Animation files for charactersMaterials
Material files
Prefab files (e.g., DiarkisPlayer, Grid, etc.)Scenes
Scene files for Unity.Scripts
Unity related scriptsMainGame
Scripts for the MainGame scene (synchronization of players in a 3D environment)SceneManagers
Scene-specific classesUI
User interface scripts (buttons, toggles, etc.)
Image files
Loading the Project
In the Unity project, open the package manager with Window>Package Manager
, click +
, then Add Package From Disk
, and select the package.json file found at the root of the Diarkis sample folder.
It is recommended to use the LTS version of Unity (as of the latest update, 2022.3.20f1).
You can now open the project in Unity Editor
Select the title scene file (Assets/Scenes/DiarkisSample_1_Title.unity
). You can run the sample by clicking the play button from the toolbar.
Library Security Error on MacOS
Users loading the project on MacOS might see a pop-up notification stating that the library cannot be trusted. In this case, open System Preferences>Privacy & Security
without closing the window and press Allow Anyway
. You may need to apply this to each library (only once for each). Failing to do so will prevent the Diarkis library from running, and the sample will display runtime errors.
Disabling Recompile on Play Mode
Scene Explanation
This scene is the initial sample scene and can provide various inputs to set up the connection with the Diarkis server.
The EndPoint URL of the Diarkis Http server (http:// is not required) / 192.168.XXX.XXX:7000
Client Key (specify if needed)
Unique User ID
Randomly auto-generate a unique User ID (unique GUID)
Specify the communication protocol of the Diarkis server to use
From this screen, you can choose features related to each Diarkis module.
This screen uses the Diarkis Room Module
. You can enter a room using Create, Join, or RandomJoin from this screen.
Maximum number of members in the Room
Allow the existence of a room when no user is present in it.
Room's survival time after it's left with no members.
Sending interval on the server for Broadcast and MessageTo messages; messages are buffered for this interval.
Join Existing Room
Specify RoomID to join. (Do not use the above setting)
Join Random Room
Join a random room using the settings above, or create a new room if no existing room is found.
Create Room
Create and join a room using the settings above.
MainGame - Room
This screen appears upon successfully joining a Room
. Message exchange through the Diarkis Room Module
synchronizes the position of players and objects.
UserID for the local character
Room ID
ID of the Room in which you are entering
Owner UID
User ID of the Room Owner
Members currently entering the Room
Diarkis-Test, ...
Send a message to everyone in the Room. Specifying a User ID sends the message only to that user
Leave the Room and return to the previous screen
Start P2P
Initializes the P2P communication with other Room members. After setting up, messaging is done using the Diarkis P2P Module
, improving communication speed.
Create Sphere/Cube
Creates a new object near the player and synchronizes its position
Clear All Objects
Deletes all created Objects within the Room
Clear My Objects
Deletes all Objects created by you within the Room
MainGame - Field
This screen displays a 3D representation of the Diarkis Field Module
. Field communication does not require pre-commands like Join or Create. Only one Field exists per server type, and a user can only exist at one position within it at a time.
UserID for the local character
Server Count
Number of Diarkis servers in the mesh network affects the number of Grids dividing the ground.
Field Size
Size of the Field; changes the overall Field size and the Grid size dividing it.
Grid Size
Size of one Grid, calculated from Field Size and Server Count.
Leave the Field and return to the previous scene.
This screen allows you to issue a IssueTicket
using the Diarkis MatchMaker Module
and wait for matching with other users from the server. Upon completing the match, you can broadcast messages to other Ticket members
Specify the type of ticket to issue. In the basic version of the Diarkis Template Server, only Ticket Type 0 is implemented. Some server-side development is required to handle other ticket types.
Issue Ticket
Issue a MatchMaking IssueTicket to the server.
Cancel an IssueTicket.
Matching status.
Not Started / Waiting For Match / Complete / Failed
Ticket Owner ID
UserID of the owner of the completed ticket.
Members of the completed ticket.
Broadcast a message to other Members of the Ticket.
The Diarkis Group Module
allows you to create or join a random Group from this screen, and broadcast messages to other Group members.
Group ID
The Group ID you are participating in
Message Button
Broadcast a message to other Group members
Direct Message
The Diarkis DM Module
can be used on this screen to send Unicast messages directly to other members.
Your UserID
Recipient ID
UserID of the user to whom the message will be sent
Message Button
Send a Direct Message to the user specified by the Recipient ID
Class Description
This class is a MonoBehaviour singleton class and must remain active as long as the user wishes to use Diarkis features in the Unity Project. It can be called statically to expose Diarkis module objects.
Usage Example:
The inspector UI includes various options to set up Diarkis options from the editor:
Diarkis API uses its own event system. When specific actions within the Diarkis module are completed, events are triggered by the related module, and all registered callbacks are invoked in the EventHandler. Each event and its parameter signatures are located in this class.
Example of Event Registration:
The DiarkisCallbackDispatcher MonoBehaviour class allows you to register events from the Editor user interface without writing a single line of code. It is also useful for remembering the event’s type signature.
For example, the following setting behaves similarly to the above code.
The Diarkis logging system is based on two classes: DiarkisLogger and DiarkisLoggingFactory.
instances are created by DiarkisLoggerFactory
and are used to log information at different log levels. These loggers provide methods for logging messages, warnings, errors, and other pertinent information regarding the execution of the application.
is responsible for creating loggers within the native code, providing Logger instances to different modules within the Diarkis framework. The log function provided in LoggerFactory's constructor can be configured to control the output destination, log level filtering, and formatting options, allowing developers to tailor the logging behavior to their specific needs.
Usage Example:
Output Example:
Note: The code above also creates a file at ./diarkis-cs-sample-logs.txt
and registers the output.
Log Level Hierarchy:
Logger Manager Inspector
The NetworkManager
inspector also includes various fields for easily configuring the logger. For example, you can set different log severities based on the logger's category or display logs on the game screen.
Diarkis Core Library
The Diarkis Core Library is a DLL made in C++
. Automatically generated .cs wrapper files Core-wrapped
allow the use of C++
native code in C#
Diarkis Module
Diarkis Module is part of the Diarkis C#
SDK and is independent of Unity, allowing it to be used in pure C#
console applications.
This is not strictly a module but a class that functions as an interface containing all Diarkis Modules at once. It is a member of the DiarkisNetworkManager
Unity class but can also be used in a plain C#
context. You need one DiarkisInterface
per connection to a Diarkis server. If you need a server for MatchMaking and one for TURN, you should have two instances of DiarkisInterface
Usage Example:
This module is used to create and manage a UDP
connection with a Diarkis server; several other modules, such as Room and P2P, rely on it.
This module manages and creates a TCP
connection with a Diarkis server. Other modules like Room and P2P can be configured to use either UDP
or TCP
, though some modules are dependent only on UDP
This module allows multiple clients to join a Room
and exchange data, messages, or object information. A P2P
connection can be initiated with group members under the condition that the Room
is using a UDP
connection. You can only join one Room
at a time, and to enter the same Room
, it must be connected to the same server.
This module is used to create and manage a direct peer-to-peer connection between two clients. It is used as an optional feature within the Room
module. Clients can initiate P2P
synchronization and transmit data without using an intermediate server after having joined a Room
The Group
module allows multiple clients to join a group and exchange messages. The number of Groups one can join at the same time is unlimited, and it doesn't require being connected to the same server to join the same Group.
This module looks similar to the Room
but varies in many ways. Only one Field
exists within a server network. With Diarkis server logic, multiple UDP
servers can be configured as part of the same mesh network. A Field
is divided into several Grids
, each assigned to a server. Each server is responsible for conveying client information within its Grid
. This module is well-suited for large environments where a high number of players might connect simultaneously.
This Direct Message
(DM) module can be used to send unicast messages directly to members on separate servers. Unlike Room
or Group
, DM
does not require joining the same room, and you can send directly if you know the UserID
The MatchMaker
module contains functions and events for issuing matchmaking tickets. Ideally, matchmaking conditions are defined server-side. Clients simply set TicketType
and issue a ticket using IssueTicket()
. Once ticket issuance is completed (all players fulfilling matching conditions are found), a TicketComplete
event is triggered, and players can communicate with other matched members using the TicketBroadcast
is similar to the Field
module in that it allows the same session to exist on different Diarkis servers within the same mesh network. However, it is not meant to share coordinate data but to exchange standard data for a limited group of players.
Custom Commands
Most commands transmitted through the Diarkis module are built-in commands
, meaning their content is known to the core library and parsed into specific types such as DiarkisRoomJoinEventArgs
However, developers wishing to develop their own commands must add the command to both the server-side and client-side. To facilitate the creation and parsing of such commands, Diarkis provides a standalone binary called Puffer
, available as linux or mac binaries in the Diarkis Server Template
(a separate repository).
The json definition file containing some of the payloads and commands used in the sample is found at CustomCommands.json.
Depending on how custom commands are defined server-side, parsing them is mostly done in OnResponse
or OnPush
events (in the cases of UDP
or TCP
). Here's an example of using a Zoo
command defined as above:
Using Multiple DiarkisInterface Instances
Although the DiarkisNetworkManager is designed to use a single connection to one Diarkis server, it's also possible to handle multiple connections simultaneously. For that reason, you can create multiple alternative DiarkisInterface objects via the DiarkisNetworkManager object, as shown in this example:
Asynchronous Code
While events are the way to perform actions synchronously, developers may want certain scenarios to execute in a predefined order asynchronously. For that, there is a WaitFor()
function defined in the DiarkisUtils interface.
Usage Example:
Note: DiarkisUtils.WaitFor()
uses the Threading.Sleep()
function. It means that the main thread is blocking until the condition is met. Instead, it is recommended to use the DiarkisAsync.WaitFor()
version available in the DiarkisAsync interface, which uses Unity's Coroutine
mechanism instead of Threads
Unity Asynchronous Code Example:
Catching Diarkis Events Asynchornously
Although Diarkis library is designed to call events through callback functions synchronously (as described in the Events Section, it’s worth mentioning that combining the above function with event callbacks will allow catching event callbacks within an asynchronous context.
Here is an example of a function waiting asynchronously for a member to join using event callbacks:
Custom Allocators
It's possible to arbitrarily set the allocator size to be used throughout the Diarkis Native Library code. For that, static functions SetCustomAllocatorSize
and SetCustomAllocator
are provided.
When feasible, this size should not exceed the available memory size, and an exception will be thrown if it does.
The following example sets the allocator size to 16MB. Diarkis libraries typically use no more than 500Kb, but it's recommended to use at least 4Mb.
Usage Example:
Notes on Memory Safety
Diarkis C#
SDK is based on the core Diarkis Library initially created in C++
and compiled into native libraries. Automatically generated wrapper files in .cs allow C++
native code usage in C#
. However, C++
and C#
are not the same language, and the most significant difference is how they manage memory. C#
relies on garbage collection (GC) for heap management, making it "memory-safe." C++
has no GC, requiring developers to manage data allocation/deallocation.
Therefore, every wrapped class from the Native Diarkis Library is derived from the IDisposable
type in C#
. These objects have the function to instruct the Garbage Collector
not to care about the data, allowing developers to release unmanaged resources using the Dispose()
function as desired.
It's essential to understand that once the Dispose()
function is called, any code dependent on the unmanaged resources allocated to this object may cause a Memory Exception
, Unity Editor
crashes, or Memory Leaks
. If such issues arise, releasing a resource too early or using one too late might have been an issue.
Building on iOS
When building for iOS, it's important to set some specific values in the Player Settings
. Set Managed Stripping Level
to minimal
in the Optimization
When building for iOS, it may be necessary to perform some minor adjustments so that Diarkis Libraries can run correctly. After pressing the Build Button
in Unity Editor, Unity will generate the xcode project folder
. Open the xcode project, select the Unity-iPhone
target, and open the General
tab. Next, you need to add two of the runtime Diarkis library files to the project in the left panel, available in the Libraries\Diarkis\Libraries\iOS
folder. Then, add these files to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
list. This is necessary to ensure that the libraries will be copied to your iOS device when installing the app.
Building on visionOS and visionOS-Simulator
Building for visionOS is similar to iOS, but there are some additional steps required in xcode. The first thing to note is that you can switch between visionOS and visionOS-Simulator as the platform in Unity's Build Window.
Moreover, depending on whether you are building for the simulator or an actual visionOS device, you'll need to change library parameters within the editor. For instance, if you want to build for VisionOS-Simulator-arm64
, you need to select two libraries in the Packages>Diarkis Plugin Sample>Core>Libraries>visionOS-Simulator-arm64
folder and set the platform to visionOS
, disabling conflicting libraries.
Once the build is complete, open the xcode project file in xcode (version 15.2 or higher is required to support visionOS). Then, similarly to iOS builds, add the corresponding library for the target platform to your project in the left panel of xcode.
Be sure to check Add to target
: Unity-visionOS`
Next, in Unity-VisionOS > General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
, set the two Diarkis libraries to Embed & Sign
(This step is specific to simulators).
In Unity-VisionsOS > Build Settings > Linking - General
, add the value -ld64
to Other Linker Flags
With this linker correctly set, your app is ready to build for visionOS.
Obfuscation tools can be used safely with Diarkis. For example, Beebyte Obfuscator from the Unity Asset Store has been used to build the obfuscated version of the Diarkis sample. The binary file contains assemblies to hide the application's logic, making it difficult for hackers to reverse-engineer the source code.
To use Beebyte Obfuscator, you must first purchase a license, download it from the Window > Package Manager
window, and import it into the project.
When the package is imported, a settings prefab
is created in Assets/Editor/Beebyte/Obfuscator/ObfuscsatorOptions
. By altering these settings, you can opt for stronger or lighter obfuscation, though the default settings should work well.
You can then build the project from the File > Build Settings
window, ensuring to use the Clean Build
option to ensure obfuscation settings are applied between builds.
Last updated
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