How to use TCP Client

How To Establish A TCP Connection

After you obtain the connection endpoint along with encryption keys, you may establish a connection using TCP client as shown below:

When a connection is successfully established, OnCreate is raised. If it fails, OnException is raised.

int heartbeatInterval = 5000; // The default is 5000 milliseconds
Diarkis.Tcp tcp = new Diarkis.Tcp(heartbeatInterval);
tcp.SetEncryptionKeys(sid, key, iv, mackey);
tcp.Connect(addr, port);

The example below will change connection methods internally if the network is IPv6 enabled.

int heartbeatInterval = 5000; // The default is 5000 milliseconds
Diarkis.Tcp tcp = new Diarkis.Tcp(heartbeatInterval);
tcp.SetEncryptionKeys(sid, key, iv, mackey);
tcp.ConnectDualMode(addr, port);

Calling Update Method

C# client needs to call its Update method at a certain interval. For Unity game engine, It needs to be called in Unity’s Update method which is called at every frame.


How To Terminate A TCP Connection

When successfully disconnected, OnDisconnect will be raised.


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