How To Reserve A Room With Users

Diarkis Room allows you to reserve "seats" in a room in advance so that reserved seats will be available for certain clients.

You may reserve places in a room with specific user IDs. When you reserve places in a room, those users with the reserved IDs will be able to join without worrying about if the room is full or not. If you make reservations for all possible members of the room, you may reject all other users without reservations to join.

NOTE: This operation is permitted only to the owner of the room.

Making Reservations

memberIDs := make([]string, 4)
memberIDs[0] = "user-id-123"
memberIDs[1] = "user-id-456"
memberIDs[2] = "user-id-789"
memberIDs[3] = "user-id-012"
// userData is the owner of the room
room.Reserve(roomID, userData, memberIDs)

Canceling Reservations

memberIDs := make([]string, 4)
memberIDs[0] = "user-id-123"
memberIDs[1] = "user-id-456"
memberIDs[2] = "user-id-789"
memberIDs[3] = "user-id-012"
// userData is the owner of the room
room.CancelReservation(roomID, userData, memberIDs)

Last updated