How To Become A Matchmaking Guest

You may actively search for matchmaking hosts to match and join as a guest.

As a matchmaking guest, you may do the following:

  • Search for matchmakings.

  • Either join matched matchmaking automatically or have the server send the matched list of matchmakings to join manually.

  • Send and receive custom messages to and from other matched and joined user clients.

  • Leave an already matched and joined a matchmaking.

  • Receive matchmaking completion notification.

  • Synchronize P2P client addresses with already matched and joined user clients.

How To Search For Matchmakings With Auto Join

MatchMaker mm = new MatchMaker();

// MatchMaker will use the profiles in the order of the list until it finds results.
List<string> profileIDs = new List<string>();

// Search condition properties
Dictionary<string, uint> props = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
props1.Add("lvl", (uint)10);
props1.Add("league", (uint)2);

mm.Properties = props;

bool autoJoin = true;

ushort resultNum = 10;

byte[] joinedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This message will be sent to the other matched user clients.");

// Start the search
mm.Search(profileIDs, autoJoin, resultNum, joinedMessage);

Receive The Response For The Search

mm.OnJoinResponse += (bool success, string[] memberIDs, byte[] payload) =>
  // success will be true, if the search and auto-join was successful.
  // memberIDs contains the list of matched and joined user client IDs that you just joined.

Receive A Notification From Another User Client For Joining

mm.OnMemberJoin += (byte[] joinMessage) => {


How To Search For Matchmakings And Join Manually

You may choose to receive a list of matchmakings from the server instead of auto-joining one.

MatchMaker mm = new MatchMaker();

// MatchMaker will use the profiles in the order of the list until it finds results.
List<string> profileIDs = new List<string>();

// Search condition properties
Dictionary<string, uint> props = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
props1.Add("lvl", (uint)10);
props1.Add("league", (uint)2);

mm.Properties = props;

bool autoJoin = false;

ushort resultNum = 10;

byte[] joinedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This message will be sent to the other matched user clients.");

// Start the search
mm.Search(profileIDs, autoJoin, resultNum, joinedMessage);

Receive A List of Matched Matchmakings and Join One Of Them Manually

mm.OnResults += (bool success, MatchMaker.ResultItem[] results, byte[] payload) =>
  // success will be true, if the search was successful.

  // Results contain the list of matched matchmaking results.
  if (results.Length == 0)
    // no matchmakings found

  byte[] joinedMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This message will be sent to the other matched user clients.");

  // For this example, we will chose the first result item and try to join it
  mm.JoinMatchmakingFromResult(results[0], joinMessage);

Receive A Server Response For Join

mm.OnJoinResponse += (bool success, string[] memberIDs, byte[] payload) =>
  // success will be true, if the search and auto-join was successful.
  // memberIDs contains the list of matched and joined user client IDs that you just joined.

Receive A Notification From Another User Client For Joining

mm.OnMemberJoin += (byte[] joinMessage) => {


How To Leave A Current Matchmaking

byte[] leaveMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This message will be send to other matched user clients.");


Receive A Server Response For Leaving

mm.OnLeaveResponse += (bool success, byte[] payload) =>
  // If success is true, you have successfully left the current matchmaking.

Receive A Notification From Other User Clients For Leaving

mm.OnMemberLeave += (byte[] leaveMessage) =>


Receive A Notification When A Matched Member Has Been Kicked Out

mm.OnKick += (string kickedOutUserID) =>


Last updated