Internal Communications (Server-to-Server Communications) - Mesh Package

Diarkis servers (pods) can talk to each other to execute certain operations on other servers and even perform request and response style communications.

We recommend using for handling transported data (response data of mesh communications)

Request And Response Style Communication

This type of communication is when one server node sends a request to another server node expecting a response from it.

Request Receiver

// import "" // This is used to handle to transported data

// cmdID is a unique ID for the internal command similar to HTTP URL
mesh.Command(cmdID, handleInternalCommand)

func handleInternalCommmand(req map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    // request parameters
    question := mesh.GetInt(req, "question")
    userMessage := mesh.GetBytes(req, "message")
    messageData := make([]byte, 0)
    switch question {
    case 1:
        messageData = CreateMessageDataForCaseOne(userMessage)
    case 2:
        messageData = CreateMessageDataForCaseTwo(userMessage)
        return nil, errors.New("Invalid question")

    cp := datacapsule.NewCapsule()

    cp.SetAsBytes("messageData", messageData)
    // returned value of cp.Export() will be sent as a response data
    return cp.Export(), nil

Request Sender

requestParams := make(map[string]interface{})
requestParams["question"] = 1
requestParams["message"] = userMessage

// cmdID is a unique ID for the internal command similar to HTTP URL
mesh.SendRequest(cmdID, receiverAddr, requestParams, func(err error, res map[string]interface{}) {
     if err != nil {
         // handle the error here

    responseCapsule := datacapsule.NewCapsule()

    responseData, err := responseCapsule.Import(res)

    if err != nil {

        // handle error here

    logger.Debug("We have the response %v - error? %v", responseData.GetAsBytes("messageData"))

Send An Internal Message To Multiple Server Nodes

This style of internal communication does not expect remote server nodes to send a response.


mesh.Command(commandID, handleCommand)

func handleCommand(req map[string]interface{}) (error, map[string]interface{}) {
message := mesh.GetString(req, "message")
      id := mesh.GetUint32("id")
      timestamp := GetInt64("timestamp")
      logger.Debug("Do something with %s of %v and %v", message, id, timestamp)
      // We do not send a response
      return nil, nil


// All UDP server node addresses
udpNodes := mesh.GetNodeAddressesByType(udp.Type)
// Message data to be delivered
data := make(map[string]interface{})
data["message"] = message
data["id"] = messageID // messageID is uint32
Data["timestamp"] = timestamp // timestamp in milliseconds is int64
// deliveryLimit is the number of server nodes to send the message to simultaneously
deliveryLimit := 2
// This is a reliable message delivery to guarantee the delivery of the message to all server nodes
mesh.SendMany(commandID, udpNodes, data, deliveryLimit)
/// This is an unreliable message delivery: faster and cheaper, but not reliable
mesh.USendMany(commandID, udpNodes, data, deliveryLimit)

How To Check Online/Offline Status Of A Server Node

A Diarkis server node may go offline when a server node receives SIGTERM.

When a server node is offline, it stops receiving new client connections, and Room and Group will not allow new rooms/groups to be created.

The connected clients may continue with the communications as normal but are encouraged to reconnect to another node by receiving OnOffline event notifications.

// Check to see if a specific server node is online or not
online := mesh.IsNodeOnline(nodeMeshAddr)

// Check to see if itself is online or not
amIOnline := mesh.IsMyNodeOnline()

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